Nejvýznamnější publikace:
h-index: 6, počet citací: 174

Kapitola v zahraniční monografii
KNOCIKOVA, J. 2024 /upcoming/ Quantitative EEG and ECG Measures Underlying Depth of Anesthesia. InTech Open
Výzkumná téma (online) / Elektronická kniha editovaná
KNOCIKOVA, J. 2016. Aspects of computational approaches in neurophysiological data processing: mathematical and biomedical principles. In Frontiers in Physiology, section Computational Physiology and Medicine
Recenzované články
1 KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2024 /upcoming/. Psilocybin
induced changes in brain entropy and the dimension of the experience predict
long term positive effects on mood in healthy volunteers
2 KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2024. Approximate Entropy: An Algorithm for Quantifying Brain Complexity. In Advances. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence. International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA) Publishing, S. L, 2024, p. 166-169.
3 KNOCIKOVA, J. 2024. Linear and nonlinear approaches in processing of neurophysiological data: biomedical and mathematical principles. In Proceeding on 10th International Conference on Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2024, p. 1-5.
4 KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2021. Quantitative electroencephalographic biomarkers behind major depressive disorder. In Biomedical signal processing and control, 2021, vol. 68, 102596.
5 KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2020 Nonlinear Measure of EEG Complexity in the Eker Rat Model of Autism Disorder – a Pilot Study. In Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Proceeding, 2020, p. 49-53.
6 KNOCIKOVA, J. 2019. Linear and nonlinear approaches in processing of neurophysiological data underlying physiological regulations. In Frontiers in physiology – section Computational Physiology and Medicine (preprint/upcoming).
7 KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2015. Mathematical modeling of cell volume alterations under different osmotic conditions. In Proceedings of International Conference on Biophysics and Medical Physics Computing, Paris, 2014, p. 1155-1159.
Též publikované: International Science Index – section Biomedical and Biological Engineering, 2015, vol. 8, no. 8, p. 1155-1159.
8 KNOCIKOVA, J. 2011. Time-frequency energy distribution of phrenic nerve discharges during aspiration reflex, cough and quiet inspiration. In Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2011, vol. 102, no. 1, p. 81-90.
9 KNOCIKOVA, J. 2010. Alterations in signal dynamics during regulation of airway reflex response. In Communications. 2010, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 62-66.
10 KNOCIKOVA, J. 2009. Electrophysiological data processing in understanding the regulation of respiratory patterns. In Proc. of Trends in biomedical engineering, Bratislava, 2009, proceedings p. 94-97.
11 KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2009. Wavelet analysis of electrical activities from respiratory muscles during coughing and sneezing in anaesthetized rabbits. In Acta Veterinaria Brunensis. 2009, vol. 78, no. 3, p. 387-397.
12 POLIACEK, I. et al. 2008. Medullary raphe midline is involved in production of expulsive expirations in anesthetized rabbits. In Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2008, vol. 59, suppl. 6, p. 597-605.
13 KNOCIKOVA, J. at al. 2008. Wavelet analysis of voluntary cough sound in patients with respiratory diseases. In Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2008, vol. 59, suppl. 6, p. 331-340.
14 JAKUS, J. et al. 2008. Brainstem circuitry of tracheal – bronchial cough: c-fos study in anesthetized cats. In Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 2008, vol.160, no. 3, p. 289-300.
Přednášky na konferencích, seminářích / abstrakta
KNOCIKOVA, J. 2024. A Comparison of Algorithms for Entropy Measures in Electroencephalography. In International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Engineering, Coimbra, 2024.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2024. Linear and nonlinear approaches in processing of neurophysiological data: biomedical and mathematical principles. In 10th International Conference on Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Barcelona, 2024
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2024. Approximate Entropy: An Algorithm for Quantifying Brain Complexity. In Advances. In 6th International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence. Barcelona, 2024. POZVANÉ
KNOCIKOVA, J. 2023. Approximate entropy as a diagnostic biomarker in neuropsychiatric diseases. In ICMSQUARE, Belgrade, 2023. POZVANÉ
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2023. Wavelet implications in neuroscience: Time-frequency analysis of non-stationary data. In ICMSQUARE, Begrade, 2023. POZVANÉ
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2023. Computational Biomarkers for Major Depressive Disorder. In Neurology World Conference, Miami, 2023. POZVANÉ
· PALENICEK al. 2022.Psilocybin induced changes in approximate entropy and microstates predict long term positive effects on mood in healthy volunteers. In ANT NeuroMeeting, Berlin 2022.
· PALENICEK T. et al. 2022. Can phenomenology of psilocybin experience and induced changes in the brain activity predict long-term effect on mood? In Meeting of pychiatric association, Mikulov, 2022.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2021. EEG findings in SUDEP. In Department of Physiology, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, 2021.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2021. Effect of mTOR inhibition in treatment of exposure in experimental model of autism. In Epileptology meeting, ISBN 978-80-7471-364-4, Pilsen, 2021.
· LISKA K. et al. 2021. Mechanisms of cardiovascular dysfunction responsible for increased SUDEP development. In Epileptology meeting, ISBN 978-80-7471-364-4, Pilsen, 2021.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2020. Nonlinear Measure of EEG Complexity in the Eker Rat Model of Autism Disorder – a Pilot Study. In 2nd International Applied Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation Conference, Paris, 2020.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2019. Unraveling clandestine neurophysiological correlates of major depressive disorders for early diagnosis and interventional therapies. In The 12th Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society, Prague, 2019.
· KNOCIKOVA J. 2019. The progress report. Research in Neurophysiological regulations. In The National Institute of Mental Health. Prague – Klecany, 2019.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2018. Cell water management reflected by complexity measures In 11 FENS forum of Neuroscience. Berlin, 2018.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2018. Approximate entropy as a measure of osmotic water permeability across cell membrane. In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. Prague, 2018.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2017. Computational perspectives in cellular biophysics and neurophysiology. Seminární prezentace. In IMS lab(Laboratoire de l'Intégration du Matériau au Système), Bordeaux, 2017. POZVANÉ
·KNOCIKOVA, J. 2017. Wavelet applications in neurosciences: Time-frequency analysis of non-stationary data. In Applied Natural Sciences, Physics section. Jasna, Low Tatras, 2017
.KNOCIKOVA, J. 2017. Advanced multiresolution analysis in processing of biomedical data. In Biomedical Engineering: problem solving using clinical and biomedical applications. London, 2017.KNOCIKOVA, J. 2016. Research intelligence in applications: Mendeley. In Elsevier's Explorers Meeting, London, 2016. POZVANÉ
·KNOCIKOVA, J. 2015. Trends in biophysical analysis and computing. Seminární prezentace. In Molecular Imaging Research Center, CEA, invited by Julien Valette. Fontenay-aux-Roses, 2015. POZVANÉ
·KNOCIKOVA, J. 2015. Studying the central respiratory chemoreception using a mathematical modeling of phrenic discharges. In Sleep and Breathing. European Respiratory Society and European Sleep Research Society Meeting. Barcelona, 2015. Též publikované: Somnologie, vol. 19, n. 1, 2015.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2014. Mathematical modeling of cell volume alterations under different osmotic conditions. In International Conference on Biophysics and Medical Physics Computing, Paris, 2014. POZVANÉ
· KNOCIKOVA, J.. et al. 2014. Nonlinear analysis in investigating the complexity of neurophysiological data during reflex behavior. In International Conference on Neuroinformatics and Computational Neuroscience, Paris, 2014. POZVANÉ
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2014. Modern mathematical and biophysical approaches for investigating the physiological regulations / Mathematical modeling of electrophysiological data underlying respiratory pattern In Department of Physics -Seminar Series, University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis. Nice, 2014. POZVANÉ
· KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2014. Novel approaches in investigating the complex physiological phenomena by modulation of intracellular pH dynamics. In TM's 3rd World Neuroscience Conference, Houston, 2014.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2013. Recent advances in respiratory neuroscience. In Carl-Ludwig Institut for Physiology, Leipzig University, seminar talk invited by Stefan Hallermann, Leipzig, 2013. POZVANÉ
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2012. Mathematical Modeling of Neural Modulation Underlying Respiratory Control. In TM's 1st World Neuroscience Online Conference, Houston, 2012. POZVANÉ
· KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2011. Modeling of respiratory pattern during defensive airway reflexes: an artificial neural network approach. In Sleep and Breathing. European Respiratory Society and European Sleep Research Society Meeting. Prague, 2011.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2010. Approximate entropy of ventilatory parameters in athletes. In Education in e-Health. Bratislava, 2010. POZVANÉ
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2009. Computer evaluation of electrophysiological signals and simulation of the neuronal mechanisms of breathing and respiratory reflexes. In Department of Physics, University of Zilina, Zilina, 2009.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2009. Multiresolution analysis based investigation of the defensive airway reflexes. In World congress on medical physics and biomedical engineering. International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering. Munich, 2009.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2009. Methods of mathematical analysis for studying the mechanisms of defence airway reflexes. In 56th Meeting ofSlovak and Czech Society for Clinical Neurophysiology. Martin, 2009. Též publikované: Neurology in Practice, vol. 10, suppl. 4, 2009.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2008. Wavelet analysis of voluntary cough sound in patients with respiratory diseases. In Advances in Pneumology. University of Medical Sciences. Poznan, 2008.
· POLIACEK, I. et al. 2008. Medullary raphe midline is involved in production of expulsive expirations in anesthetized rabbits. In Advances in Pneumology, University of Medical Sciences. Poznan, 2008.
· TOMORI, Z. et al. 2008. Distinct generators of aspiration and expiration reflexes, their localizations, mechanisms and effects. In European Respiratory Society Congress. Berlin, 2008.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. 2008. Modern mathematical mthds in ivestigation of neural mechanisms generating breathing and respiratory reflexes. In 21st Martin Days of Breathing, Comenius University. Martin, 2008.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2008. Wavelet analysis of electrical activity from respiratory muscles during coughing and sneezing in anaesthetized rabbits. In 84th Physiological Days, Comenius Univeristy. Bratislava, 2008. Též publikované: Physiological Research, vol. 57, n. 2, p. 17, 2008.
· BARANI, H. et al. 2008. Frequency analysis of inspiratory electrical activities during quiet breathing and coughing by fast Fourier and wavelet transforms.In 31st Medical Biophysics Conference, M. Moravka, 2008. Též publikované: Physiological Research, vol. 57, n. 5, p. 87, 2008.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2008. New approaches to mathematical modeling in the neural control of breathing. In International Doctoral Students Conference, Comenius university. Martin, 2008.
· KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2007. Evaluation of bioelectric parameters related to defence airway reflexes by means of frequency analysis. In 4th Doctoral Students Conference, Comenius university. Martin, 2007 (in Slovak).
· KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2007. Frequency analysis of phrenic nerve activity in aspiration reflex and inspiratory phase of tracheobronchial cough in anesthetized cats. In 4th Czech and Slovak Congress on Sleep Research, Comenius University. Bratislava, 2007 (in Slovak).
· KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2007. Analysis of EMG signals based on wavelet transformation. In 30th Days of Medical Biophysics. Charles university in Prague, J. Hradec, 2007 (in Slovak).
· BARANI, H. et al. 2007. Medical Biophysics Training at Comenius University, Medical Faculty. In 30th Days of Medical Biophysics, Charles university in Prague, J. Hradec, 2007 (in Slovak).
Výukové materiály a popularizace vědy
- KNOCIKOVA, J. 2023. Výukové materiály, přednášky a praktika pro předmět Biosignály a modely. Vysoká škola chemicko – technologická, 2023. BIOSIGNALY A MODELY | PDF (
- KNOCIKOVA, J. 2018. Přednáška pro popularizaci vědy (sekce biologické vědy, smysly). Centrum vědeckých a technických informací v rámci projektu Popularizace vědy a výzkumu na Slovensku, 2018.
- KNOCIKOVA, J. 2017. Výukové materiály a protokoly praktik z Biofyziky. Univerzita Cyrila a Metoda v Trnavě, 2017.
- KNOCIKOVA, J. 2015. Tematické plány pro sekundární vzdelávaní. – Metodika. Ministerstvo školství, vědy, výzkumu a sportu Slovenské republiky, popularizace vědy. 2015.
- KNOCIKOVA, J. et al. 2011. Zkouškové testy z Fyziky - software. Žilinská univerzita v Žilině, 2011.
- KNOCIKOVA, J. 2009. Dětská univerzita Žilinské univerzity v Žilině. přednáška. DVD-ROM, 2009.
- KNOCIKOVA, J. 2007 – 2009. Výukové materiály a přednášky pro semináře z Biomedicínské fyziky a Lékařské biofyziky. Univerzita Komenského v Bratislavě, 2009.